Good morning! And happy first Wednesday of Easter. He is risen indeed. Many thanks to all who sent appreciations for the Easter and Good Friday ‘videos.’ We will leave them on Dropbox for a couple more days, but then we’ll need to take them down for reasons having to do with copywrite regulations. Now that Lent is over, now that we are in the Easter season, I am trying something new. Rather than write a devotional every day, I am going to make and post a brief video every morning. They will be simple and brief. At the very least I’ll read a scripture or two and pray. If I think I have something worth adding, I’ll add it. My hope is that it will be helpful for some to receive something from me that is less formal and more personal. My hope for myself is that I’ll be less meticulous about details nobody would notice but me. As I said, an experiment. First thing in the morning, even before I make myself presentable, I’m going to make a presentation and send it off. Hat & t-shirt (or the equivalent) and all. I’m only going to do one take. I’ve made today’s already, and I think it came out to 6 minutes, which is longer than I intended. But I stuck with the ‘one take’ rule. I did go so far as to make sure there’s a picture with sound. Otherwise, here’s the link: A simple click should get you there. God’s peace to you today. Charlie