It was frustrating to have the power go out and to have my morning's digital work evaporate. But it's good to be reminded how easily I take for granted the unprecedented standard of living I (we) enjoy. Makes me think of the guy who has a temper tantrum on a jet when the inflight Wi-Fi goes out ... at 600 MPH ... 5 miles in the air ...
Also reminds me that it is a gift to live where we do. Yesterday I was enjoying my daily ration of government sanctioned exercise, and I looked down at the beach and saw no one -- hence the photograph above. I accidentally made up this ditty, a nod to Here Is the Church, Here Is the Steeple:
Here is the beach Like a cathedral No people here 'cause it's illegal
We, individually and collectively, have to contend with concrete, hard to bear, painful problems. Having the power go out isn't one of them. Neither is staying home to try to protect those of us who are most vulnerable.
But it's still hard, some days more than others. God help us to tell ourselves and each other the truth about that, and God help us nevertheless to find ways to contend with problems that dwarf our own.