In-Person Worship Services are held every Sunday at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. Please see the Worship page for more details, including worship service recordings from previous Sundays.
Office hours can be arranged by appointment until further notice. For office assistance, please email [email protected].
Email List for Sunday Worship and Church Announcements We hope that everyone is staying connected to NPC via the church email list. This is how we communicate important church announcements and prayer requests. If you know anyone who would like to be added to the email list, or if you have had any difficulty in receiving the emails, please contact [email protected].
Giving We are very grateful for all who have continued to give faithfully. We ask those who give regularly, but do not pledge, to give as they normally would. Your offerings can be directed to us through your bank's bill-pay system, through the "donate" button on our website (found at the bottom of this page), or by mailing in a check.
Ongoing Church Activities
Sarah Circle Women's Bible Study
Meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the months from Sept. thru June in the Fireside A room.